Born in Sicily
Famous in the world

Felicia La Bara
Prefazione di Roberto Mazzarella
Introduzione di Marcello Saija

This first book of Felicia La Bara was born by her strong desire to just give luster to the “new” Sicilian emigrants who have become famous in the world.
We do not want decentralize our past, but we “cultivate” it in order to better understand the motivations, decisions, goals and expectations of these people who – each with their own story and with their own experience – have “dared” and did all they could in order to create a real life away from their homeland. 11 interviews, 11 stories, 11 people contacted personally by the author: sensitive and available characters who, with their enthusiasm, have collaborated to reconstruct the puzzle of their lives, piece after piece, reliving with emotion the various stages of the route that brought them to nowadays. Finally, people who continue, through their work, to give confirm that “to be Sicilian” has a great value, “to be Sicilian” is a precious good that goes always beyond…


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Felicia La Bara (called “Licia” by everyone), was born in Palermo in 1963.
Aspiring teacher, she attends the Faculty of Sport Sciences at the University of Palermo without graduating.
She lives sport actively, devoting totally to athletics.
As umpire and instructor she has taught athletics at the high school G. Garibaldi leading her team to progressive successes and in first place in the races played.
As athlete she has participated in regional, national and international competitions and championships – on the track and on the road – on various distances, including marathons (42.195 km).
Keen for many years on the theme of “contemporary Sicilian emigration”, in recent years she has devoted herself to the study on the reasons and realities that there are around, through meticulous researches.
She presents herself to the world of writing with this her first book, even if already, about a passage of the quoted text, she has been awarded in the narrative section and she has received the Honorable Mention at the xxi International Literary Competition 2013 of the a.l.i.a.s. (Academy Literary Italo Australian Writers) in Melbourne. This piece has been included also in Amore mi manchi (a.l.i.a.s. Anthology 2013).



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Famous in the world”

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